Sunday, October 16, 2011


"Now the standard cure for one who is sunk is to consider those in actual destitution or physical suffering - this is an all-weather beatitude for gloom in general and fairly salutory daytime advice for every one. But at three o'clock in the morning ... the cure doesn't work - and in a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day. At that hour the tendency is to refuse to face things as long as possible by retiring into an infantile dream - but one is continually startled out of this by various contacts with the world.

"One meets these occasions as quickly and carelessly as possible and retires once more back into the dream, hoping that things will adjust themselves by some great material or spiritual bonanza. But as the withdrawal persists there is less and less chance of the bonanza - one is not waiting for the fade-out of a single sorrow, but rather being an unwilling witness of an execution, the disintegration of one's own personality ..."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Since language has almost completely failed me, and at the moment I don't trust myself enough to try, I'll post some of my favorite quotes and a photo from my trip to Mount Washington. It's a terrible thing to not trust what you feel...

“I'm so good at beginnings, but in the end I always seem to destroy everything, including myself.” Kiera Van Gelder

"One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night." Margaret Mead

"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth." Benjamin Disraeli

"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man." Friedrich Nietzsche

"Most things break, including hearts. The lessons of life amount not to wisdom, but to scar tissue and callus." Wallace Stegner

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." Albert Einstein

"I think that taking life seriously means something such as this: that whatever man does on this planet has to be done in the lived truth of the terror of creation, of the grotesque, of the rumble of panic underneath everything. Otherwise it is false. Whatever is achieved must be achieved with the full exercise of passion, of vision, of pain, of fear, and of sorrow. How do we know ... that our part of the meaning of the universe might not be a rhythm in sorrow?" Ernest Becker

"Change is a measure of time and, in the autumn, time seems sped up. What was is not and never again will be; what is is change." Edwin Way Teale

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure in the landscape - the loneliness of it - the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it - the whole story doesn't show." Andrew Wyeth